We’ve been working on getting fibre FTTP to the London Gliding Club, LU6 2JP. There is fibre on poles at the bottom of the drive from the Club, but the existing copper connection is directly buried. One solution is 4 poles up the 300 metre drive. Estimate from a BTO approved contactor – under £5,000.

BT O quote to Cerberus?

Wait for it!


This looks plain daft. It raises very significant issues for BDUK bidding, if these fixed “Excess Construction Costs” are loaded in this way.
I’m intending to write to Ofcom and BDUK/DCMS suggesting the adoption of the same scheme as is used in the electricity industry for “contestable” and “non-contestable” costs. In this arrangement, substitutable costs such as street cabling can be bid out to an approved party, ensuring all costs are “marked to market”.

By Published On: December 19, 2022Categories: News