Dolomite News2024-01-16T21:36:51+00:00


Ireland generated more wind sourced electricity than its total demand!

Rather ironic that Climate Change wind increases turbines output! And the surplus is exported to the UK.

By |October 4, 2023|Categories: News|

Environment and Sustainability Reporting

Attending the CIMA webinar on the new reporting requirements for Environmental, Social and Governance ("ESG"). The International Accounting Standards from the IFRS coming in 2024 is technically voluntary, but a large number of jurisdictions are going to make them compulsory. There are two parts, S1 and S2. Here are the links: and As I'm both an engineer and accountant (now a Fellow of CIMA) I'm in a good position to help with audits. PM me to discuss [...]

By |September 13, 2023|Categories: News|
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