The last Saturday before Christmas usually has the highest electricity demand at around 5 or so when people return home and put on the kettle.
So, I looked at Gridwatch for yesterday’s demand and supply.
The results were very interesting.
Demand was around 36GW and peaked at 6 pm. I have seen it over 40GW in some years but it is relatively mild.
At 6pm, wind produced some 15.7 GW or 44%.
However, demand fell, but wind didn’t.
At midnight demand was 23.5 GW and wind 14.9 – now 63%.
Total renewables were this morning some 63% and carbon neutral (mainly nuclear) 73%.
So, this has been a good trend, and this is before the huge Dogger Bank Windfarm is online.
What is missing big time is storage!! Without that there will have to be CCGT base load for overcast still days.

By Published On: December 21, 2023Categories: News